The article by Haar and Mowat (2022) explores whether focusing on the practices that focus on human resources can help reduce and manage nurse burnout. The article notes that attaching meaning to the work of nurses and creating a work environment that creates a work-life balance can help manage emotional and physical exhaustion, hence reducing nurse burnout.
A majority of healthcare organizations are addressing nurse burnout by focusing on the recognition of the role nurses play in healthcare. Healthcare leaders are adopting various recognition strategies, such as rewarding nurses for their roles (Pickle, 2021). Healthcare organizations have also created programs that provide retention bonuses for nurses to avoid turnover rates related to nurse burnout.
Various strategies that can be applied to address the issue of nurse burnout have been identified. Notably, Haar and Mowat (2022) suggest focusing on human resources practices such as the creation of a balanced work-life plan for nurses. Additionally, Oliveira et al. (2019) provide solutions to nurse burnout, including improving the work environment, nurse incentives, and evaluation of stress levels among nurses.
The strategies identified in the reviewed articles, especially incentives, nurse bonuses, and evaluation of nurse stress, have both negative and positive impacts on our healthcare organization. These strategies can help my healthcare organization retain its qualified staff with improved performance and brand image. However, such initiatives will add to the organization’s operational expenses, thus reducing profit margins.
In conclusion, nurse burnout negatively impacts nurses’ physical and mental well-being as well as patient and organizational outcomes. Focusing on human resources for health practices can help manage nurse burnout and improve the efficiency of nurse professionals. Additionally, further research is needed on the impact of burnout on nurses and patient outcomes and how to manage the syndrome effectively.
Haar, J., & Mowat, R. M. (2022). Are human resource practices the key to managing job burnout in New Zealand nurses? Testing a path model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(17–18), 2574–2583.